The Blog

Understanding the Emotional Landscape of Personal Transformation Apr 22, 2024

Emotions are powerful drivers of behavior and crucial elements of our identity. They can propel us forward or hold us back, often operating just beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. In this article, we explore how certain emotions, particularly those rooted in fear and self-doubt,...

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Embracing Identity Shifting to Overcome Resistance Apr 01, 2024

Overcoming resistance to change isn't just about adopting new behaviors. It's actually about fundamentally altering the underlying lenses through which we view ourselves and our capabilities.

Identity shifting is a profound process that targets these lenses—the ingrained beliefs and rules...

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The Power of Subconscious Repatterning Mar 25, 2024

Are you trapped within the confines of your "comfort zone," which is really just a cycle of familiarity dictated by your subconscious? This comfort is often a misnomer—it doesn't truly represent peace or fulfillment but rather a safe familiarity that hinders growth. Today, we delve into the...

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Stillness in Motion: Embodying The Fundamental Shift and The Skill of Identity Shifting Mar 20, 2024

In the relentless pace of modern life, "Stillness in Motion" presents a revolutionary concept that integrates the depth of Identity Shifting with the transformative power of The Fundamental Shift. This approach doesn't merely balance being and doing. It merges them into a seamless...

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How Identity Shifting Can Redefine Success & Transform Your Life Mar 04, 2024

Success isn't solely about external achievements—it's about how these achievements align with your deeper values and contribute to your overall well-being.

By shifting your internal metrics from external accolades to internal fulfillment, you can transform not just your achievements but the...

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Rob's Story: Experiencing The Fundamental Shift Mar 01, 2024

As the creator of Identity Shifting, my journey is deeply rooted in understanding the intricate web of meaning and beliefs that shape our lives.

Like so many of us, I've faced formidable challenges: abuse, addiction, homelessness, and cancer (just to name some).

I'm lucky because my...

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How to Eliminate Core Limits using The Power of Shifting Set Points Feb 26, 2024

Core limiting beliefs are often the hidden barriers that cap our potential and restrict our ability to achieve true success and happiness. These beliefs are deeply embedded within our psychological structure, dictating the bounds of what we perceive as possible.

This post delves deeper into...

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Identity Shifting: How to Consciously Change Yourself Feb 15, 2024

What is Your Identity?

Your identity shapes every aspect of your existence, from the decisions you make to the relationships you nurture. It forms your "self-concept," a mix of your beliefs, memories, and expectations that guide your actions and color your perceptions of the world.


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The Journey of Transformation: From Awareness to Action Feb 05, 2024

Embarking on a journey of personal transformation is about more than just desiring change, it's about making that change happen in your life. This transformation journey can be navigated successfully through Identity Shifting, which moves you from mere awareness of your current state to taking...

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